Renova Plastic surgery clinic
(removal of mammary glands in men)
The lack of treatment for gynecomastia or the low effectiveness of conservative therapy leads to the long-term
existence of pathology, where there is a risk of the disease degenerating into cancer.
Surgery to remove excess tissue solves this problem.
Male gynecomastia. The mammary glands become enlarged - one or both - due to the growth of glandular or adipose tissue. Each gland with such a disease can increase up to 15 cm. In adolescent boys and the elderly, pathology occurs in 70% of cases, in young ones - in 40%.

Female gynecomastia is more rare.
Usually, this diagnosis is made when the breast volume exceeds 400 mm3.
The disease can be accompanied by discomfort and other unusual and unpleasant sensations.

Male breasts can increase for several reasons:
fat deposition due to pituitary adenoma, hormonal imbalance, smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, trauma, cardiovascular insufficiency, HIV, etc.

False and true gynecomastia
External these two types of disease hardly different.
First, seals form in the nipple area, then gradually the breast grows according to the female type. The nipples are pulled out, the hair on the chest is falling out.
With a false pathology, the mammary glands enlarge due to the accumulation of fat, and not glandular tissue, as in the true one.
The combined type is often diagnosed, but the female bust consists of 90% of adipose tissue, for this reason the false type of the disease is more noticeable, the man's chest becomes more expressive, "female".
  • 37 лет работы
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